BLOCKBUSTER Movielink is a program that will let you buy and rent movies online.
By using this program, you can browse Blockbuster’s catalog, click on the poster of a movie that you are interested in, view the trailer and read all the information about that movie. Then, if you want, you can buy or rent that title. The service name is "BLOCKBUSTER On Demand", and with it you will be able to download a movie, or make Blockbuster stream it into your PC or mobile device. If you rent a movie, and you download it, you can watch the movie for 24 hours within a period of 30 days, which begins at the moment of renting it. You will not be able to access that movie after that period. If you choose not to download the movie, but to have it streamed into your device, it will not be stored on it, and you have to watch it while connected to the service. If you choose to buy a movie, it is yours to keep and watch as many times as you like.
Every movie downloaded by this program is protected from piracy with Microsoft's Windows Media Digital Rights Management. Therefore, you cannot download movies from a Mac using this tool. Nevertheless, you can watch streaming movies on a wide range of electronic devices, such as home entertainment systems, laptops or cell phones.